Ms Fortran Powerstation 4.0
Ms Fortran Powerstation 4.0 --->>>
How to get rid of the leading zero in the decimal output? /Magnus Mossberg Wed, 18 Jun 1902 08:00:00 GMT Steve Lione #3 / 3 -fno-leading-zeroes for MS Fortran F format specifier
This question is about MSFortran F format specifier as this is the only one I know of that doesn't include the leading zero. In this post I will show what I have found on the web about this topic, and what have I found out myself. When MSFortran is used for the binary read and write of floating point values with the F format specifier, it suppresses the leading 0 in floating point values that are between -1 and 1. This is not supportet by some programs that are supposed to read the output from my fortran program. I have not seen this behavior in any other fortran compiler that I have used. Can I turn it off? To the best of my knowledge, there is no option in MSFortran to force the leading zero to appear. It is optional by the Fortran standard, but most implementations, including ours, choose to supply the leading zero for such values. Fortran Engineering Compaq Computer Corporation, Nashua NH Compaq Fortran web site: computer_2(); Wed, 18 Jun 1902 08:00:00 GMT Page 1 of 1 1 [ 2 post ] Relevant Pages 1. Leading zeroes in fortran binary internal write
How to get rid of the leading zero in the decimal output? /Magnus Mossberg Wed, 18 Jun 1902 08:00:00 GMT Page 1 of 1 [ 2 post ] Relevant Pages 1. Leading zeroes in fortran binary internal write
as a new fan of the series i want to thank you for this list, as i will be watching them all on DVD the first time through this chronological list really helps regarding order placement of 'the plan' and 'razor'. the question that i have is are all the webisodes included on the DVD editions? from reading product descriptions (i have to purchase seasons 3,4, & 4.5 to round out my collection) i know that 'the resistance' webisodes are included in the sesason 3 box set. as i am waiting on the mail for 'razor' i don't know if the 'razor flashbacks' webisodes 1,2, & 7 are part of the deleted scenes that amazon lists on the product description. also what about 'the face of the enemy' webisodes that wikipedia lists? are these included on perhaps the season 4 or 4.5 boxed set? and where do they best fit into your chronology? any help here would be hot, thanks a plenty!
as a new fan of the series i want to thank you for this list, as i will be watching them all on DVD the first time through this chronological list really helps regarding order placement of 'the plan' and 'razor'. the question that i have is are all the webisodes included on the DVD editions? from reading product descriptions (i have to purchase seasons 3,4, & 4.
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