Lan Drivers AMPTRON Motherboard
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Recommendation: Given that this board has little to offer for its relatively niche market, the most economical option is a non-cacheable 256 KB module (if it's on sale; don't expect to find these for more than $10). The most optimal amount of cache is 64 KB, which is why this is the case in my recommended build below.
devmgmt.msc Lan Drivers AMPTRON MotherboardThen, go to Other Devices. Right-click on the device that is listed as "Lan Driver" and choose Properties. This should take you to the screen that looks like this: Lan Drivers AMPTRON Motherboard Click the Driver tab. Make sure the driver listed there is one you just downloaded and not a driver from the CD. If you don't see a driver listed, or if this is a CD driver (named CDROM) and not a new downloaded driver, then you need to run the Download Driver Manager to make sure the system has the latest driver downloaded. This will not work if the driver is part of a compressed archive, like the ZIP file you just downloaded. When running the Download Driver Manager, you can select the location and status you want to update, and even select if you want to update automatically. d2c66b5586