Giorgio Sans Font Family
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You can create more than one font tag with different properties. However, for each font tag you create, it's important that you link the correct font family. This is because when the browser encounters a tag where the font-family property is not set, it'll use the browser's generic font family (sans-serif).
Be careful when you add the family attribute, as not all browsers will support all fonts. For example, if you were to add the German font family to the tag below, Inconsolata would not be available:
You can set font-family at the tag level, but if it is not available, the browser will not find it. You can use your own stylesheet and place a font-family: helvetica and set it to any of the available fonts. You can also override the type of font the browser will use for the tag with the font-weight attribute.
The font family provides a default set of fonts to be used in a document. The family will be used for any text that does not specify a different font. We will add an italic style to the font that has been set.
In this paragraph, we have set the font-size to 16px. We have set the font-family in the tag to first Arial. If Arial is not available, the browser will try Helvetica. If Helvetica is not available, the browser will try the generic font family called sans-serif.
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