Dpit Effex 1.5 Mac Serial
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I'm currently building a machine that uses an Arduino Mega2560 as its main controller. The Arduino is connected to over serial, gets a command, executes it and spits out a bunch of measurement data every 1ms. I have a Raspberry Pi running Python to give the user a nice GUI to send the command, and to present the data in a readable form.
I've switched from PySerial to PyTTY, which solves my problem. Just plugging it into this code (with some small changes, like replacing serialPort.inWaiting() == 0 by serialPort.peek() == b'' for example) makes my code able to handle the datastream and not get above 50% CPU usage, which means it is at least 10x as fast. I'm still using PySerial to set the DTR lines though.
The XBee-footprint connectors on the bottom of the Fio v3 are what make it so unique. This product is designed to provide a simple interface between Arduino and XBee, as such a few of the XBee pins come wired up to the ATmega32U4. Most significantly, the serial interfaces of both devices are wired -- the XBee's 'DOUT' pin is connected to the ATmega32U4's 'RX', and 'DIN' is connected to 'TX'.
XBee's are controlled and configured over a serial interface. To learn more about using XBee's check out their datasheet and various tutorials for help getting started with these awesomely simple wireless transceivers.
With the code uploaded you should see the RX and TX LEDs take turns blinking on and off every second. You can also open up the Arduino IDE's serial monitor (set to 9600 bps) and see every programmer's favorite two-word phrase.
That \"1\" makes a huge difference. Think of the Pro Micro having two separate serial ports. The one without the \"1\" is for communication to and from the computer over USB; this is what is visible in the Serial Monitor. The Serial1 port is a bonafide, hardware UART, where your Pro Micro can talk to any serial-enabled piece of hardware.
If you open up the Serial Monitor, you should only see Hello world! printed. 'Hello! Can anybody hear me' is being sent out over the hardware UART, where, presumably, nothing is listening. This begs the age-old question: \"If a Pro Micro is saying 'Hello!' over the hardware serial port, and nothing is there to hear it, does the Pro Micro really say anything at all\"
In order to communicate serially, the Pro Micro emulates a virtual serial port. Actually, it emulates two different serial ports -- one for the bootloader, and one for the sketch. Since the bootloader and sketch run individually. Only one of these serial ports is visible at any one time.
When you click 'Upload' in the Arduino IDE, the Pro Micro resets itself and starts its bootloader program. (The bootloader is a low-level program on the Pro Micro which enables self-programming via serial.) To our operating system, the bootloader looks like a completely different device, so it gets its own serial port number. While the Pro Micro is being programmed, the bootloader serial port will be open. When the sketch upload is finished, the bootloader will exit, that serial port will be closed, and the regular Pro Micro serial port will open up.
The Pro Micro can be a finicky little thing. There are a few series of events that can lead to its serial port being removed from the Arduino IDE's Serial Port selection menu. If you can't see your Pro Micro's serial port, give these steps a try:
First, you'll need to set the serial port to the bootloader. But that port is only visible when the board is in bootloader mode, so pull the reset line low twice quickly to invoke the bootloader reset feature discussed above. On Pro Micro's, or other devices which don't have a reset button, you can either use a wire to quickly short 'RST' to 'GND' twice, or wire up a temporary reset button. While the Pro Micro is in the bootloader change the 'Tools > Serial Port' menu to the bootloader COM port. Quick! You've only got eight seconds. On Windows, the bootloader's COM port number is usually one number higher than the Pro Micro's regular port number.
With the serial port set, we're just about ready to re-upload our sketch. But first, double check that the board is correctly set. Then reset to bootloader again, and quickly upload your sketch. Again, you'll have to be quick...you've only got eight seconds. It may help to press the Upload keybind -- CTRL + U / CMD + U -- immediately after resetting.
One possible option, that may or may not work: If the PTZ camera also has a serial interface for control, your automation controller can connect directly to that; but it would have to be tested; if the camera also reports UVC to the Zoom Room via USB, the Zoom Room might want to send commands to the camera for things like initialization, even if you are not using the iPad Zoom Room controller to do PTZ control. 153554b96e