Brave 720p 300 Mb Movie [VERIFIED]
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Set in Scotland in a rugged and mythical time, this movie features Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald), an aspiring archer and impetuous daughter of Queen Elinor (Dame Emma Thompson). Merida makes a reckless choice that unleashes unintended peril and forces her to spring into action to set things right.
Get Trailer of Brave (2012) HD, Blu-ray or DVD and Download on the link. This site is for providing latest download links of the movies and TV shows.
Note: The quality of Brave (2012) Movie Dual Audio (Hindi-English) files may vary. The quality of the files depends on the availability of the movie, source from which the movie is downloaded.
Download Brave (2012) Movie Dual Audio (Hindi-English) 720p & 480p & 1080p. This is a Hindi movie and available in 720p & 480p qualities. This is one of the best movie based on Animation, Adventure, Comedy. This part of this series is now dubbed in Hindi. Click on the Download links below to proceed
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